Watch Me Lose Weight!

Posts Tagged ‘healthy

Sunday mornings are a special time in the life of a girl who is doing the best she can to lose pounds that have not only drug her down physically, but emotionally as well. Sunday morning now reminds me of test day from back when I was in school. I get an instant nervous/woozy feeling as soon as I wake up, because I instantly glance over at the scale, and I immediately know that today’s the day. dun dun duuuun! Weigh In Day!

This morning was a morning like any other weigh in morning. I woke up, unloaded 20 gallons of pee, and proceeding to grab my scale and bring it onto solid ground for an acurate reading. I’m always a bit foggy in the mornings, and the better the loss for the week, the more awake I’ll be in a moment or two.The reality starts to set it. I’ve been waiting to weigh myself for the past 7 days! But I’ve been good, and I haven’t peeked.

The moment of truth has arrived. Another 7 days of faithful Medifast dieting… avoiding all of my favorite foods, drinking as much water as I can, and being 100% OP (on plan). All of that is about to be equated into a single number. A score, if you like… that will asses my fluency in the science of Medifast.

I get on the scale, look up to the sky, and say a little prayer….



220 pounds.

I think… CRAP, you STUPID scale! You couldn’t have gone down at least 1 more freakin’ ounce so I can be out of the 220’s!!!  COME ON!!!!!!

Dang you!!!

Then, I accept it, and pat myself on the back for another 2.4 lbs lost this week. That’s not too bad. I’ve had worse. (My 3rd week, I only went down 1.8, and that was pretty discouraging. ) I’ll take what I can get.

Thank you Medifast for another few big ones gone forever!

Now, more importantly… next week I will be OUT OF the 220’s!!

And another interesting fact: I am at my lowest weight in like 3 or 4 years. AWESOME.

Now, I get a little overwhelmed when I take a bird’s eye view of what I have left to lose.

70 WHOLE pounds… ahhh!

But I remember, it all needs to be done ONE day at a time. If I focus hard on sticking OP each and everyday, getting my water in, and getting some light cardio in, I will be there in no time at all. It will go by fast. Another few months… and months really do go by fast.. especially when you’re busy.

This coming week will prove to be my hardest and most tough week yet. I will be mostly out of town, in various offices for my clients, and I will literally have to sneak away and find the time to eat my Medifast meals. I have  a ton of work going on… and I am really worried about my ability to eat on time, and drink enough water.

When there’s a will, there’s a way, right?

150, Here I come!

weightloss If you’ve noticed that this site looks different, that’s because it does! I’ve decided to brighten things up a bit for spring, by utilizing a different theme. The last theme was super-simplistic, and a bit boring. I know content is king, but there’s got to be something to capture your interest other than some girl ranting about her journey on Medifast and losing weight.

I’ve gotten all kinds of emails and messages from this blog, which started out as a personal journey of my weight loss journey on Medifast. I’m really glad that it’s helping others learn more about Medifast, what to expect, and also to stay motivated. In keeping you motivated, I will keep myself motivated as well. For some reason, my determination on this program trumps all others that I’ve ever been on.

Perhaps it’s because I’ve seen the weight loss… BIG weight loss, from all of the people on the website who have been so successful in not only losing the weight, but also in keeping it off. Or maybe it’s because I’ve experienced it first-hand! Losing 9.6 lbs in my first week was an amazing thing, which I still can’t wrap my head around. So far, I’ve lost more weight in my 3 1/2 weeks on Medifast than I did for 3 1/2 months on Weight Watchers! This is by far the most successful I’ve ever been on any “diet”, and I say that loosely, because I know that this will transition into a lifestyle change as well.

No matter what comes my way, I’m ready, willing, and determined to see this through until THE END!

Onwards and DOWNwards!!! To GOAL!!!!! 150 lbs, I’m coming!!!!

My oh my, this whole weight loss journey is really turning out to be just that… a journey. I can’t say I’ve ever learned more about myself in such a short period of time. The issues I had with food would be enough to break a normal person down. I was talking about Medifast with my mother, and she was saying how she could never do a diet like this, as it would leave her feeling way too “deprived”. I’ll be honest, there are times when I do feel deprived, but I’ve come to learn that I never really needed those foods or “experiences” that I thought came with that food in the first place. I no longer deserve those luxuries. My body doesn’t “deserve” that type of care any longer.

I learned that once I stopped feeling entitled to certain foods and restaurant experiences, I was much happier on Medifast.

To come to that epiphany, I really had to tell myself that I seriously wanted to be healthy, and that I was really serious about sticking to Medifast until I reach my goal of 150 lbs.  I had to ask myself: What are the pros of being healthier and thinner?

There’s one big reason that I feel trumps them all. This goal is starting a family with my husband. We want to have our first child sometime next year. None of my family knows this yet, although they’ve been bugging us for the last few years about when we’re finally going to have a baby. We’ve been together for almost 10 years. Married for 5. We’ve waited patiently to have kids. We wanted to own our dream home, be more than financially stable… in addition to many other personal goals. A few of the goals have been achieved, and the others are set to happen very soon. We are blessed.

I definitely don’t want to be unhealthy when I have my first child. Although I previously weighed 240 lbs, I was actually very healthy. I ate well for the most part (especially main meals), and I did exercise often. However, I can’t imagine being overweight and getting pregnant is healthy. I know a lot of women have fertility issues when they are overweight, but I haven’t yet experienced this, since we haven’t actually tried to conceive yet. Women in my family are generally very fertile, so I don’t imagine this being an issue.

Either way, I want to be able to savor ever minute of my first pregnancy. Seeing the smallest sign of a baby bump will be so much easier when I am at a healthy weight. I don’t want all of this belly fat in the way of me feeling my baby kick for the first time. I want to be healthy enough to exercise regularly when I’m pregnant, and I want to make childbirth as easy as possible. I know losing my remaining 80 lbs will help pregnancy and childbirth tremendously.

I think losing this 80 lbs will be the first of many  things I can do for my unborn child, well before he or she is even conceived. It just needs to be done. Just like buying the house, being financially stable, and having a life that’s suitable for a child to grow up in.

About Me

Hello and welcome to my journey! I'm a busy female giving her final attempt at Weight Loss to Medifast. I've created this blog to chronicle my Medifast weight loss journey. Read more about me in the "About" section listed above.

____________________________________ Beginning Weight: 240.8

Weeks On Medifast So Far: 10

Lbs Lost On Medifast So Far: 30.4

Current Weight: 210.4 lbs

Goal Weight: 150 lbs

Pounds Left To Goal: 60.4 lbs


Read Another Day’s Post

May 2024